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I heard this shaila a while ago:

[When naming a child R’Chaim Kanievski Shlita does not like using names that are not proper names.There are various minhagim and many are not like R’Chaims shitta. Sephardim use Hodaya, Rachamim. Chassidish minhag is also not like R’Chaims shitta.]

A young man once came to R’Chaim and told him that he would like to name his daughter Shira.R’Chaim didnt like it and asked him why Shira? The young man answered that she was born on Shabbos shira and that he thoght that it would be fitting. R’Chaim asked him had she have born on Shabbos Parshas Poroh would you have named her Poroh Adumoh???