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am yisrael chai

The Great Benefit Of Reading The Tochacha

The Gemara in Megila (31b) says that we read the Tochacha in Parshas Ki Savo RIGHT BEFORE Rosh HaShana in order that “Tichleh Shana V’Kililoseha”,(???????? ?????? ?????????) the year and its curses should end. What does READING the Tochacha help our situation?

Hashem promised that when there is no Bais HaMikdash we can still bring Korbanos by saying and learning the Parshiyos related to the Korbanos, “U’Nishalma Parim Sifaseinu ??????????? ??????? ??????????? (Hoshea 14:3).”

“Similarly,” says the Radomsker Rebbe, “we read the Tochacha and by saying it, if we were deserving of its punishments, it should be considered AS IF it befell us r”l through the reading, and going forward, only bracha should come our way.”

Tiferes Shlomo Of Radomsk
