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hehe…dont make me out to be be more than i am…if i were telling kids what was right and wrong…*shudders*

by the way, just a side point to all those advocates of emuna peshuta out there. emuna peshuta is not “i dont know why anything happens, i just know it does and i dont need to know anything for my emuna…just being told by my parents that hashem exists is enough for me”

THAT is potentially damaging because if someone with a stronger will comes up to you and starts forcing his ideas on you, you become the perfect because you have no idea what to say. bari v’shema, bari adif.

the way ive always understood emuna peshuta is that you can delve into the deepest philosophical levels of theology and theory of emuna and hashkafa…but at the end of the day none of use can prove emperically that hashem exists. THAT always has to be purely based on faith and THAT is emuna peshuta. the more ive looked into it…because i used to be insecure in my emuna…the more i understood that i can look to theory all i want for answers about hashem…but unless i was willing to let go of logic eventually and just believe in hashem without feeling teh need to prove his existence emperically i would never have true emuna. and teh more i learned teh more i understood that.