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Sister Bear

Hey bomb thanks for the response.

So my friend is pretty self sufficient, she buys a lot of her own stuff but for like necessities, yeah she depends on her mother.

I can only imagine, I mean she’s your mother so even though she didn’t act like a mother should, she was your mother. It must’ve been very painful!!!!

I’m not sure if my friend has heart to hearts with her mother anymore but her mother will like pick fights with her randomly. I don’t think they have any emotional thing, she hates her mother (that’s what she texted me.) But her mother is still her mother, and deep down she wants her mother to recognize and show that she loves her so every time her mother does something to try and hurt her, it hurts. But I’ll let her know..maybe I should make her read this thread, if she doesn’t ‘kill’ me first.

Oh, we’re open about and don’t dance around it. Although I rarely go to her house, instead she comes to me. I’m not sure exactly why (I don’t have problems hanging around at anyone else’s house), but I never liked going over to her house and preferred her coming to mine. I don’t think its cuz of her situation, but do you think she might think that? Thanks for that (at least I know I’m doing something right :))

LOL it took me a few to get the apple joke 😉 Hope you become successful in all your endeavors.

Do you think that her line of thinking is correct? That if she listens and does everything her mother says her life will be better? For instance, she bought some things that she needed with her mother’s credit card and her mother got angry at her and said she has to return them. I told her not to, I said if your mother wants those things gone, she’ll have to return them herself. So she said yeah well then she’s going to take my license. I said so hide it. She said well what good is it if you can’t drive. So I texted her back and was like, your not going to be allowed to drive anyway. So don’t return them you won’t be able to drive for a few days and soon your mom’s going to need you to do something and your gonna be able to again.

Do you think it would be better for her to lay low and listen because she’s only going to be home for a “little” longer or should she stand up for her rights? (personally I think that she should stand up for her rights because I feel that more emotional damage will happen (even if she is speaking to a therapist) if she just takes everything.

Um, I guess the Mods can send me your email address, if you don’t mind at all.

“make a comic book about me…” – lol

Once again, thank you so much for everything!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!!!