Reply To: A question about being self- centered

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Lomed Mkol Adam-

1) Again, none of these attributes are inherently good. They are paths which generally lead people to good.

2) Gezel Ach”um, Capital punishment, Bi’ah Shelo Kidarkah, Goel Hadam are all permitted but Chaza”l say (at least the middle ones) one should try to refrain from doing because of one’s moral feelings.

You are mistaken and your statement is unfounded. To my knowledge, nowhere do Chazal say that because of one’s moral feelings one should be machmir on what the Torah allows. Bring me even one source to the contrary, and we’ll talk.

Your point about kindness to animals is not relevant, because I agree that one should be kind to animals. The point where we differ is whether or not my desire for a steak supersedes that obligation.

Allow me to digress for a moment. There seems to be a trend in your way of thinking which I take issue with. You seem to have everything figured out. You have p’shat in people, p’shat in feelings, p’shat in different segments of society, p’shat in statements of chazal, and so on. I am not knocking you, but I do not share your veneration of explanations. Skepticism is healthy. If you’ll notice, each time we debate an issue, you are defending an explanation of something, which you brought to the table, and I am saying prove it. It’s not that I disagree with all of your explanations, and some of them I may have even thought of myself in my own speculative wanderings. It’s that I am skeptical of things which people say are definitive, true, unalterable, inalienable, etc. etc. and I do not believe in the ??? ??? answer. In a word, I can accept that there are questions I cannot answer, but I cannot accept that there are answers I may not question. Therefore if you choose to debate me on a subject, you must know that I will keep doing this, I will only accept explanations which satisfactorily and simply explain all of the facts. And I have a fairly decent background in Torah literature to back me up. Therefore, anything which you know can easily be explained differently, don’t bother suggesting an alternate explanation in a definitive manner; as a possibility, yes, but definitively, no. As Rav used to tell his students – ?? ???? ??? ???? (Kesubus 48b).

That being said, you seem quite intelligent yourself, and I do enjoy these discussions very much.