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The Best Bubby

BPT: You are lucky you are not Sephardi, as then you would have to say selichot from 1st day Rosh Chodesh Elul until Erev Yom Kippur!!!!! In fact, the Livorno minhag (Italian – like Sir Moses Montefiore’s Z’TL minhag), say selichot on Shabbos,and Rosh Hashana. These particular selichot are not like the tachanun ones, but singing with melodies from way back when. Count yourself lucky that you don’t have to stay up an extra 3 weeks or so! By the way, I am a full blown Galizianer and very proud of it! Zai gezunt and gebenched and let us greet Moshiach with much achdus between all the Yidden immediately! Amen!