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Bar Shattya said: “dangerously allergic to alcohol? maybe emotionally. but you got yourself into this mess so basicly at the end of the day you wouldn’t drink even if YOU had a mitzva to.”

Incorrect. I’m physically allergic to alcohol. I don’t know what “mess” you’re talking about. And I WOULD drink if I had a mitzva to. (Because it’s a mitzva. Jews are supposed to do mitzvos, and I’m Jewish. So I do mitzvos.)

Shticky Guy said: “Bar Shattya dont fall for oy vey’s posts she’s winding you up. Cant you tell… She got so drunk over purim that it took her 4 months to respond to you! ? ? ?”

“She” is not winding him up. “He” is in fact winding him up.