Reply To: Jews And Starbucks

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RenaD, thank you for posting the link, but in just skimming the first part, I find several errors that call into question the accuracy of the entire page.

1. In many local Starbucks shops, the hot chocolate behind the bar is not kosher, while the one on the retail shelf bears a Chaf-K Dairy.

I don’t know when this was written because Starbucks has had at least three different hot chocolates in the past few years. Here are the ingredients of a cup of “hot chocolate” served in New York as of last week when I asked:

The kashruth issues concerning this are those that I posted in my original message but of course, everyone individually should verify the kashruth of any product you buy.

I don’t know what the writer is talking about. The only syrup for sale to the public is the one liter size of Starbucks syrup which has the OU. (Or at least all the flavors I’ve seen had it. Please check yourself before buying.)

3. the knife used to cut the ham or turkey sandwich

Again, as noted previously, there are no knives to wash as the only knives in the store are the indvidually wrapped plastic knives. The sandwiches are made and wrapped elsewhere.

I continue to welcome a discussion of the halachic aspects of patronizing Starbucks. I merely ask that it be based on facts.