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There is a Yeshiva (probably more than just this one) when calling up people for an aliyah is makpid to only use the title “Harav” for those who truly are Rabbonim. Everyone else is just “reb”. (Before you ask, no, I have no idea who or how they determine who is worthy of the title). Well, one shabbos a guest davens in the yeshiva. They see on his tallis bag that his name is written Harav Avrohom Schwartz (ficticious, except the Harav portion). The gabbai was in a quandry. On the one hand, the yeshiva had its policy of using the title Harav for those they deem worthy of such a title, on the other hand, this man refers to himself that way, as evidenced by his tallis bag. The gabbai, I guess has a sense of humor and he called him up, Yaamod, Reb Harav Avrohom ben….