Reply To: Chumras

Home Forums Controversial Topics Chumras Reply To: Chumras


Gavra – correct, but the tone should be one of Yiras Shanmayim and kavod not one that smells a bit of sarcasm

re: salads If you carefully observe people when they take salads using a communal spoon or salad fork, unfortunately some are not careful and touch the plate into which they are dishing the salad. If they already have chicken, meat, cholent on the plate (particularly if they are taking a second helping) then the spoon has come in contact with real fleishiks. If it goes back into the salad bowl you have a real shayloh about the status of the salad and need a psak and maybe rely on a kula to permit it as parve. Many people therefore remove it before bringing meat to the table so that they can reuse it with a milchik Shalosh seudos or Melave Malka.

The problem exists also when squeezing ketchup or mustard form a container. People, especially children accidentally touch the fleish on the plate.