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Disabled and sick are deserving recipients. That is who welfare is for, as well as for temporary emergencies. There is a whole welfare culture in the US and it is sickening. BH I picked up and left, it isn’t my problem and BH I have rights to another citizenship (NOT that of the medine which I don’t accept) if I ever am affected as the US declines and China rises.

With lower tax rates, the community would pick up the cost of the kollel. No welfare here, flat rate tax, and a thriving kollel in every town with decent monthly payments and assistance with housing etc. And every week, another kollel family has another child ken yirbu. We don’t have permanent kollel, and that really is no chisaroin – no one should be in kollel if they must have welfare to continue past say 5 years at most.

The children of the “welfare” mothers in NY became the petty thieves, third-rate drug dealers, and in-and-out revolving door prisoners that comprise the NYC underclass. Statistics make it very clear that the NY underclass just perpetuates an ugly cycle of welfare and dependency from generation to generation. There are now fourth generation welfare “families” in NYC. Probably more of them than there are fourth generation secular Jews who remained halachic, lehavdil.

They don’t even have the brains for welfare FRAUD – we all know you need a Yiddishe kop for that :)))!