Reply To: Bais Chaya Rochel (Newer Gateshead Seminary)

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Bais Chaya Rochel (Newer Gateshead Seminary) Reply To: Bais Chaya Rochel (Newer Gateshead Seminary)


Again another “bcrer” responding, hoping its not too late and you will see my post and help influence your decision in the best possible way! Hummingbird, i can totally identify with your daughters feelings, when i was 17, i was in school and unhappy, i wanted that hashkafah too that i felt i was lacking and didnt have, i always thought i would go to an american sem in israel but as i started to think more deeply into it, i felt it wasnt for me and slowly it led me to the new sem- bcr. It was the best decision i ever made in my life. It changed me and moulded me into the person i am now, which was very different before going to sem. I built a kesher with 1 Rav who guided me during sem, after sem, through shidduchim and even now in married life. The shiurim are there to help you, guide you and gear you for your future life. Every shiur is hashkafah based, this is very different to the old sem, which is more textual based, you are required to prepare before for most shiurim and they study text in depth whereas new sem is about learning hashkafah and lessons for your life. As for friends, it teaches you about different people from all over the world, and i feel like i made life long friends there, i met the most unbeleivable girls and there is a sense of family, girls who i havent seen in years if i would see them today id feel like we were sisters meeting again. You can choose in the afternoon to do courses as well as helping out family with kids etc. and gain a kesher with familys, which always help when you feel you need some time out from sem.

Plus there is the show they produce every year which is amaizng to work in and be part of.Overall going to bcr was the best decision i ever made, i grew spirituality and developed in ways i longed to. i found myself. hatzlachah