Hikind Endorses Noach Dear For NYC Civil Court Judge

hikind.jpgAccording to today’s NY Post, Assemblyman Dov Hikind is endorsing longtime rival Noach Dear for Civil Court judge in Brooklyn. “We’re both older,” said Hikind. “We both have children. We both have grandchildren. Life goes on. He’s running, and I support him.” Hikind and Dear represented the same Borough Park neighborhood before term limits forced Dear off the City Council in 2001.

20 Responses

  1. I met Dov Hikind for the first time to weeks ago on his trip to England. He came across as a real mentch, which is now confirmed!

  2. zionflag,
    that is a complete shtuss- if we support all our rivals- the oilam would be in real bad shape. we need to fight things that are bad like the Mitzaad Hatoeiva in yerushalaim ir hakoidesh!! but i do think that mar hikind is a a Ois Gahaltena Yid.
    Hatzloocha Raba L’oivdei Hashem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach”)!

  3. zionflag,
    b”h i think plenty. if you would read carefully what i wrote you would realize (assuming you have daas….) that i was not chas v’shalom comparing the two things but i was just being choilek on what you said that “if we can all support our rivals what a difference it would make”- i think that is a big shtuss! V’hameivin Yovin. Hatzloocha Rabba. IY”H by you.

  4. hey flatbusher, if you can do a better job then go ahead. why jab about him not being qualified befor he even got the position ?

  5. nothing wrong with being supported by an elected official, in this case hikind supports deer. nothing to do with “frumkeit” mr. flatbusher.

  6. Flatbusher wrote: A public servant has to represent all the people.

    I agree. I wish someone had told that to “Mayor” David Dinkins. He never acted like the mayor of New York City. He was the mayor of the blacks, no more. And as such, he couldn’t do a good job for ANYONE, not even the blacks.

  7. This is hilarious!

    There are many MUCH MORE qualified and experienced candidates, highly rated by all the judicial screening panels and bar associations for many years, from the frum community, who have been seeking this position for much longer. And IN COMES NOACH! He he.

    This scenario would make for good Country Yossi lyrics.

    ONLY the most qualified men of the borough/ community with judicial experience and temperament, should be chosen to run! Otherwise, it’s obvious politicking. Shame on you, DOV.

  8. tmimus,
    you are missing the point completely! its mammash a kidush hashem gadol that one yidale is pushing another one to win! who cares about politics- its ale min hashamayim! this should be a big zchus to klal yisroeil that we have such mentchin in the yidishe velt!
    Hatzloocha Raba L’oivdei Hashem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach”)!

  9. Bneibrak:

    Backing Noach might have been an OK idea, if there were SIXTY spots open for frum candidates, and Dov backed him for one of them. It would be Botul B’Shishim. But there aren’t. The chances to help elect a frum judge are few and far between. And he chose Noach. A Bruch!

  10. Bneibrak:

    What do you know about Dov’s Judicial experience and temperament, his ratings and reviews by all the Bar Associations and Judicial Screening Panels for the past years? If you don’t know, perhaps you ought to look into it. He’s a nice Jewsih guy that was a Councilmember, with no judicial experience.

  11. tmimus,
    everything is in the toira- if he is a frume yid who is Koiveia Itim L’toira then he has enough daas to be a dayan by the goyishe botei dinim (l’havdil elef alfei havdolois!) why should he not have this parnoseh?

  12. What credentials/experience does Dear bring to this job? What exactly are his qualifications? THat he is Frum??

    Has he ever served in the capacity of a prosecutor in the DA’s office?

    Has he ever defended in the Civil and/or Criminal court system at either the state, local or federal level?

    What has Dear demonstrated in the judicial arena.

    I dare say there are far more qualified frum people for this important and critical position.

  13. as a former neighbor of mr dear, i must say i am not too impressed with him to be a lawyer (he attended law school while a city councilman). i understand he never really practiced law, but this is not a qualification to be a judge; political connections is what one must have to be a judge, and he obviously has that.

    any comment that there are other people more qualified to be a judge is irrelevant; as i said, they must have the clubhouse connections.

    by the way, civil court is the lowest level of real judgeships; perhaps he can be promoted out of there, but that depends on …

    also, most lawyers do NOT want to be judges. the pay is lousy (compared to regular law), the cases are often lousy too. the advantages are 9-5 (or rather 10-4) hours, promotion opportunities if somewhat qualified (though many decent judges never pull out of civil court level positions). an opportunity to earn extra income on the side (which many judges do; the ones that get caught are the chazerim who overdo it, and even then).

    also, among lawyers, civil court level judges are often known for not being too well qualified (despite what bar association type groups say; they have their own agenda). most of these judges are the types that you wouldn’t hire to take care of your own case; though there are some exceptions (ask you lawyer about this; he might deny, because lawyers are trained to say the judge is always right, even when (s)he’s not always right).

  14. To MiMedinat HaYam :
    Not all private practice lawyers pull in six figure incomes after paying their staff, rent, and other expenses. Keep that in mind. Unlike Doctors, you can’t bill Medicaid for multiple visits, etc., in law.

    Also, many high earning lawyers decide to leave private practice for many other reasons.

    Anyhow, with Noach’s old buddy political connections, couldn’t he have gone after a more desirable position, if it’s as undesirable as you make it ?

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