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Not that anybody cares, but the daughter that I mentioned before had her baby boy last night!!

Also, to Dr. Hall. It would be worth your while to take the time to listen to Rav Gifter’s speech. Among the things that he does there is that he acknowledged the constitutionality issue. He then said that it is the derech haolam to stake out a position that they feel is correct, and then hire a legal team to defend it as best possible. His taana on Rabbi Dr. Lamm was that he did not hire a legal team to defend the university’s right to take money, even with banning the club. He hired a legal team to defend the club’s right to exist! Not the other way around.

If after attempting to defend the Torah position Dr. Lamm still lost, then there could be a difference of opinion. Rav Gifter said he still wouldn’t take the government money under those circumstances, Dr. Lamm would. That is a debate worth having, without public machaos. Rav Gifter’s Macha’ah was against hiring legal help to defend the anti Torah position, and not even attempting to take the high road.