Reply To: who do u think has 2 names in cr and wat r they?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee who do u think has 2 names in cr and wat r they? Reply To: who do u think has 2 names in cr and wat r they?

Avram in MD

It doesn’t seem to me that real-brisker and Joseph have matching posting styles.


why is it not honest to have more than one screen name? this is all supposed to be anonymous anyway. so what’s the diff?

A user with multiple screennames can hijack forums – giving the impression that the “masses” hold one view, for example, or attacking an opposing viewpoint through use of a straw man sockpuppet (e.g., creating a username that “holds” the opposing viewpoint but makes stupid, irrational, or hateful comments and arguments, with the goal of stirring up animosity towards that viewpoint through guilt by association).

This is (mostly) an anonymous forum with respect to the real world, but it is not anonymous within its own context – users tend to associate each screenname with a unique individual, so if someone uses multiple screennames, he dishonestly creates the impression that multiple people are posting.