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Agudah is fighting this?

That was a funny joke.


Ok. I finished laughing now.

How are they fighting it? By giving Shelly Silver an honor at their dinner two weeks ago? How?

What kind of message does this send to our kids? They honor the biggest supporter of gay marriage in NYS, someone who brought the vote to the floor (is 100% responsible), and who goes and praises the passing of the bill in the assembly. Then, the next day after the dinner, they send out this phony “call to action”.

What a bunch of fakers, and hippocrates.

They lobby like wild cockroaches for TAP funding, but for what the Torah calls “toeiva”, they ignore do nothing.

Don’t worry, their supporters will claim they are lobbying like crazy (total sheker). They did not lobby as hard as they did to get a few shekels for some mosdos.

basically, the agudah and their ilk have sold the Torah hakdosha for a a few bucks.

shame on them.