Reply To: What is the Halacha?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What is the Halacha? Reply To: What is the Halacha?


But the halacha is pretty clear and well known about tznius as well as many other halachas and issues, and those questions has been raised and discussed many times, so again, RB and DY why was this question a problem? Perhaps because I raised it? Perhaps because I am being honest and sincere and you don’t like that because you would rather be right than admit it?

Yes I know that people post from different time zones and I also know that people are posting when they shouldn’t and I also know the halacha but i also brought it up as a topic just like anyone else does. Remember the topic “Minding other’s business”? No one had a problem with the OP and the topic itself even though that is exactly what we are talking about here. I didn’t ask anyone to confess, I didn’t ask who is doing what? i didn’t ask for a roll call and everyone and anyone to post if they are guilty or not. That is just what people chose to do on their own, however you and others decided that I was looking to fight with someone personally. That I was picking on someone and addressing this to someone individually and I wasn’t. Whoever thought that was feeling their own guilt and it had nothing to do with me. Just look at what the Goq wrote. I was simply pointing out an issue and a halacha since someone had the nerve to tell me that I “trample on halacha”. That was extremely rude and hurtful aside from it being a lie. So what would you call ignoring this Halacha is that trampling on halacha? Where is the big shot that made that comment on the other thread to attack me when I never said anything against the halacha or questioned it, just questioned the commitment of the person to the halacha?

My point is before you go jumping down someone’s throat try to understand what they wrote, don’t be sarcastic and don’t assume you know what they are thinking or feeling. Stop judging and jumping to conclusions. Give everyone the same respect and consideration that we each deserve. We are not all on the same playing field with the same knowledge and experience but we are all in the same Coffee Room chatting together. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but if we at least own up to the ones we make here and apologize to those we hurt, we can at least make the CR a better place.