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HORROR: Father R”L Falls To Death In Front Of Wife & Daughter [UPDATED]

Jerusalem – In what can only be described as a horror story, a father was R”L just killed in a tragic accident – in front of his wife and daughter who is scheduled to be married in 4 weeks.

According to initial reports, the 66-year-old father had gone with his wife and daughter to check out an apartment in the French Hill neighborhood of Yerushalayim. The apartment was to be rented for his daughter, who is getting married in approximately 4 weeks. They walked up to the 4th floor, when suddenly the man lost his balance, and slipped through some type of hole in the stairwell. His wife and daughter watched in horror as he plunged 4 stories to the ground.

Hatzolah and MDA Paramedics were rushed to the scene, and found the man in traumatic arrest. He was R”L pronounced dead on the scene by a doctor a few minutes later.

The man and his wife are originally from Mexico, moved to Monsey where they lived for quite some time, and then moved to Eretz Yisroel.

YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Yosef Meir ben Moshe Medresh Z”L. The Levaya is currently underway at Shamgar. The Kvurah will be in Chelkas Chasidim in Har Hamenuchos. Maspidim so far have been the Mashgiach Rav Don Segal Shlita, and a son, Nissim Medresh.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. This has to be one of the worst reports of tragedies I’ve read recently. It’s beyond belief. BD”E (I seem to be saying that so often I’m abbreviating.)

  2. this is shocking beyond belief. I know the family well. This is a tragedy of biblical proportions. I am speechless. may we only know “bsuros tovos”.

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