Reply To: men banned from girls graduations

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“Yes, that’s right. Because I went to my daughter’s graduation, all sorts of terrible things happened.”

Come on, Wolfish.

If a son comes from school, and says he was talking with girls, but nothing happened…so it’s ok?

Let me wager a guess that bored men staring at even the most tznius of women has at least one time caused a bad thought etc. It’s pashut.

I am not saying its the worst situation by any means and it is definitely mutar (I am not posek but I think its obvious)…but its not ideal IMO and a school that chooses to do so is hardly deserving of “TOO FRUM” sticker.

Not to mention, the nachas one gets from a daughter should not be the giving a diploma in a funky hat and gown. It should the work and maturity gained from the years of High School. I do sympathize with a father who has shelled out the bucks and does want that Kodak moment…but l’maaseh its not a particular yiddishe sach to be obsessed with a graduation ceremony.