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I’d also like to mention that I resent my post being called a “typical troll question”.

There was nothing typical about my question. It was creative and brilliant.

Who ever thought of asking if women are Jewish?

Most importantly, what possible non-semantic difference could there be. I never suggested they aren’t chayav in the mitzvos they are chayav in. So who cares what we call them.

It is like if I would have suggested yisroelim aren’t Jewish because they can’t eat terumah. Who cares? Call them what you want, yehudim, yisroel, bnei yisroel, Jews, zhids, or whatever. It makes no difference.

I creatively ducked any discussion actual issues, and focused solely on definitions which make no difference.

It was much better than MosheRose, or OVER 1 MILLION JEWS IN NY. It was sheer brilliance.

Mod: change it to an atypical troll question, please.