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German Fund Which Distributed Money to Holocaust Survivors Closes

hol cover1.jpgThe German fund which was established to compensate Holocaust survivors has offically ended making payments today. The fund released a statement stating that more than US$5.84 billion was distributed to 1.67 million victims. Half of the funds distributed came from the German government and the other half from companies that profited from slave labor during the war, among them Volkswagen, DaimlerChrysler, Bayer and Deutsche Bank. (AP)

10 Responses

  1. What rishaim YM”S
    They probably think their teshuvah is complete.
    5.84 Billion sounds way to low for all that
    am Yisroel went through if their perverted minds
    can compare “MURDER TO MONEY”.

  2. Reshaim indeed! But leave it up to our ‘yidelech’ to continue suporting their industry!( automobiles, washing machines, dishwashers etc. etc;)

  3. Naw! They are just making an excuse why they still need to extract money from the Jews for the efficient operation of their concentration camps by simply stating that the Holocaust fund is closed. Oh, what a shame. What other excuses will they come up with next?

  4. This seriously makes my blood boil. My grandparents, who are sole survivors of large families have been receiving these checks. It hurts them so much to take it as it is, as they call it “blood money”. Nevertheless, it is money that they could really use. Halacha he bi’yadua she’eisav sonei es yaakov.

  5. After the deducting the homes, property, businesses, Jewelry, gold teeth, and personal possesions that were confiscated, not counting the slave labor that they benefited from, if the average Jew had a net worth of $1000 in todays dollars that’s already six billion dollars. some Jews had huge land holdings. They are probably left with just another 30 billion or so in todays dollars. Yemach shemam

  6. That’s about $973 per victim, assuming six million Jewish victims, which is probably about right. They haven’t paid NEARLY enough for their crimes!

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