April 14, 2011 5:09 am at 5:09 am
NK is not the “right-wing” of “Orthodox” Jewry. They are the most extreme, perhaps, in their anti-Zionism, but that doesn’t innately make them the greatest proponents of the Torah.
The whole question of L/R Orthodoxy is somewhat meaningless as we’re talking about Toras Emes, not, lihavdil, petty politics. And you can’t be only somewhat orthodox; you either are, or are not. Are there chumros? Yes. Kulos? Ditto. But that’s a much more rigid framework than lihavdil ultra-liberal Democrat versus ultra-conservative Republican.
Also, since Mesorah and Minhag play an important role in “Orthodoxy” (among other reasons), it is therefore a totally different question than, lihavdil, something as inane as politics.