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BACKLASH: Florida: Sanford Airport To ‘Opt Out’ Of TSA Screening

The backlash continues over those new TSA screening measures, and now one Central Florida airport has decided to go with a private security screening firm.

Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening.

“All of our due diligence shows it’s the way to go,” said Larry Dale, the director of the Sanford Airport Authority. “You’re going to get better service at a better price and more accountability and better customer service.”

Dale says he will be sending a letter requesting to opt out from TSA screening, and instead the airport will choose one of the five approved private screening companies to take over.

Congressman John Mica, who’s expected to lead the powerful Transportation Committee next year, says the TSA is crying out for reform.

“I think TSA is overstepping its bounds,” said Mica.

Dale says, if all goes as planned, the private security firm could take over in about 12 months.

(Source: WDBO)

5 Responses

  1. Wonderful. SFB is a little podunk airport, served by airlines you’ve never heard of.

    It is not the huge Mickey Mouse Airport in Orlando (MCO) that everyone flys to.

    When JFK, EWR, LGA, or IAD opt out – that’s news!

  2. @Shazam – “Podunk” or not, at least someone is starting the process. It’s hard to be the first to do something and go against what everyone else is doing. If small airports are successful in switching, I’m sure the larger airports will look at it more seriously.

  3. 1, Granted its a small airport in relation to MCO, however people fly in/out of Orlando thru there so they could avoid MCO. Thus, this is news. Its nice to see an airport fight back against Janet ‘Big Sis’ Incompetano!

  4. So guess which airport the terrorists will choose to travel from? They will love this – if an airport is opting out of this program it should not be publicized.

  5. 4. Just because they are opting out of the TSA does NOT mean there is no security! All airports with commercial flights MUST have security however the question would be if they have TSA doing the pat ups or a private company.

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