Reply To: Matzah/Chometz Inquiry

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Cleaning like crazy IS crazy. It’s PEsach, not Spring Cleaning time. I don’t know about you, but I do not regularly throw chometz on my ceilings and walls (but I know people who are diligently scrubbing theirs), and my clothes closet does not need re-arranging this week.

I am not sure what you meant about not eating chomets also? We don’t eat chometz because Hashem said not to eat chometz. No big koontz to understand that. If you are asking why we think Hashem assered chometz, THAT is an interesting question. I have heard a couple of reasons, one being that chometz is comparable to arrogance (being puffed up), so we are being taught not to be haughty. Also, the Egyptians revered bread (I think they invented the process for making bread, if I am not mistaken), so we are doing the antithesis of what they did, by refraining from eating flour and water that has risen.