Reply To: Purim Seudah Wine

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As for the concern on being moser, I will probably defend myself upstairs with the little girl not killed by a car, by the bochur who made it to shiur the next day instead of ending up in an ER vomiting for 3 hours or worse, wrapped around a train pylon, by the real simchah of the celebration of purim and not the stupor, by the bochur who grows up not using mind altering substances every shabbos at the club, and by all the chillul hashem avoided.

Do you realize what your defending?? This is not bris milah we are talking about. Its not d’oraysa!! You are talking about life altering issues. If you want to compare weightinis of issues, should ad delo yadah outweigh ushmartem es nafshosechem meod?