Reply To: Women & Girls Out There: I Really, Really Need Your Help!!!!

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m in Israel

seeallsides — That idea of imagining the Celestial Judge looking at you in “an album” is one of the best ideas I’ve heard on this topic (and I’ve heard a lot!!!) Thank you for sharing it!

mytake (and Shuli) — On a practical note — although this is tough, a good way to idea to avoid that “getting dressed in the morning” issue is to take a moment when you are inspired and motivated and GET RID off any clothing you have that doesn’t meet the standards you are aiming for. Sometimes the best way to deal with a nisayon is to do the best you can to remove yourself from it!

If that’s too much at this point, at least make a commitment to yourself that anything new you buy will be 100% according to Halacha — and avoid trying on anything that isn’t,so as to avoid that feeling of “but this looks so good on me. . .”

I know this doesn’t exactly address your request, but the concept is very effective in many areas of Avodas Hashem. All the inspiration in the world wears off eventually, if you don’t act on the moment in a concrete way.

Big Yasher Koach to you for being honest with yourself and doing your best to “do the right thing”!