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anon for this – “Health, would you please clarify a question I had? Are you saying that in Olam Haba, Avigayil is married to Naval and Bas-sheva, the mother of Shlomo HaMelech, is married to Uriah? Neither can be married to Dovid HaMelech, since each married him after the death of her spouse, correct? Thanks.”

I’m not the biggest Talmid Chochom in the world, esp. since I can’t recall names of seforim. But I guess it is better to have some of the knowledge, than just to make it up because they are unwilling to look into it.

I’ll try and guess. The Gemorrah talks a lot about Zivug Rishon & Zivug Sheini. I think the Gemorrah says that Zivug Rishon is the main one. It could be those original marriages were those to their Zivug Sheini and Dovid Hamelech whom they were the Zivug Rishon to -married them secondary. There weren’t be a problem of Aishes Ish because once you’re not an Aishes Ish due to death, it wouldn’t come back. The reason, I think after Techias Hamaysim you go back to your first husband is because it is your main Zivug or Zivug Rishon.

Or you could say Ain Hochi Nami, in the next world they will go back to their first marriages. So why did Dovid have to marry them at all? Maybe Hashem wanted these children only to come out from these Zivugim.