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Putin gives month’s salary to Jewish museum

putin and lazar cover.jpgRussian President Vladimir Putin promised to contribute one month’s salary to the construction of a Jewish museum of tolerance. Russia’s chief rabbi, Berl Lazar, told Putin it was time to implement long-delayed plans by the Jewish community to set up the museum. “That’s a good idea and, as the first step, I will contribute one monthly salary to the museum’s construction fund,” Putin told Rabbi Lazar during a meeting in Putin’s residence outside Moscow. (Reuters)

13 Responses

  1. Maybe he’s doing Teshuva M’Yirah (L’havdil)- he knows that the yidden can make a big Balagan and maybe M’Ahava- he loves Kovod…
    Hatzlocha Rabba L’oivdei Hahem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach”)!

  2. Well, look at it this way, 100 years ago Russia was all about Pogroms. This IS an improvement and no one would have ever guessed then that there would have been such a leap!


    I recommend throat lozengas. They come in all flavors:))))

  3. nameless: Putin banned such ”medication” here in Russia for anyone who disagrees with his dictatorship, eh excuse me, ”Presidency.”

  4. it would be nice if they included an exhibit showing chabads tolerance toward other jewish (non chabad) mosdos in russia….it wouldnt take up that much room!

  5. putin ‘s russia was already attacked by muslim extrimists, eg the attack on that school and movie theathre yet he is still kissing arab arse from Iran to SAudi Arabia? whats with this feigele leader?, and donnation to chabad? i wonder whats his ulterior motive?

  6. cherryhillbilly, you’re so right because there are so few (non Chabad) mosdos in Russia, they wouldn’t need too much space for an exhibit!

  7. Here we go again, fellow jewish Hillbillies showing there true color,soon we will find out what the real reason why there are only chabad “se’dur’im” in vilna today. I wonder why the publisher could not send any regular ones to vilna

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