Reply To: embarassed to use food stamps

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I don’t really want to put my two cents into the topic of this thread but I just wanted to point out that the first posuk you bring “b’zeias apecha tochal lechem” is not an injunction but a curse.

If someone curses you to lose all your money do you feel obligated to go through out your money or if you lose all your money you would recognize that it was a result of the curse?

The second pasuk can easily be ascribed to learning Torah as well:

The gemarah in Brachos says “ashrecha- b’olam hazeh, v’tov lach- b’olam haba”

So you will enjoy the results of doing yegiah in both worlds.

The mishna in Pe’ah says “Eilu devarim she adam achol peiroseihem ba’olam hazeh v’hakeren kayemes lo l’olam habah” In other words, this is a list of things that a person will enjoy the benefits of in this world and the next.

Yegia applies to Torah too. It’s hard work learning “zos haTorah, adam ki yamus ba’ohel- ein Torah miskayemes elah b’mi shemeimis atzmo aleha”

While the list in Peah doesn’t bring ‘working for ones food’ as one of the things on the list it does say “v’Talmud Torah kneged Kulam”