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Ukraine: Mass grave found from WWII

hol 9 cover.jpgAccording to a report published by the Guardian Unlimited, a mass grave of Jews killed by the Nazis YM”S has been located in the village of Gvozdavka-1, near Odessa. The grave is reported to have been found accidentally last month – when construction workers were laying pipe underground and is reported to have thousands of bodies in the grave.

7 Responses

  1. flatbusher
    Rebbetzin Chadosh (Rav Meir’s wife) is the one who told the gedolim of Europe when visiting there, that the ground is trembling and the blood is screaming….

  2. this stuff really hits home. My grandfather is buried in one of those mass graves in Ukraine. We do not even know the real exact date of his murder. there is so much more in the vast ukraine fields & forest. H”YD.

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