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realbrisker- Did you bother looking up the gemara Popa mentioned? I’m assuming you didn’t because if you did you would see clearly that what you’re saying is completely against daas torah.It’s in chulin, I believe 99b. Yalta, the wife of Rav Chisda said to him “I want to eat basar bichalav.” Rav chisda told her to eat the udder of a cow and the gemara goes on to say that for everything assur, hashem created something muttar, and gives examples. The reason for not eating milk and meat together is because that’s what we were commanded, no other reason. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having fake milk or fake meat (as long as you follow the shulchan aruch to avoid the maaris ayin issue). Proper hashkafah is not something innate. You have to learn and look up the issues. Clearly, you didn’t. What you are saying is not only wrong, but against an open gemara.