Reply To: Companies that Make Employees Work Saturdays

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Please. I don’t think you should have to ‘take’ anything, and never implied otherwise. Everyone is entitled to demand that they not be discriminated against, and if what is happening is indeed discrimination then by all means go ahead and make a big deal about it. I don’t think we are living in pre-war Europe or the middle ages.

HOWEVER, my point is: There are organizations such as the NAACP, which, though they defend a worthy cause, are often subject to being subtly mocked and looked down upon in pop culture and the media, not due to latent racism, but simply because among the righteous causes they defend they also seem to sometimes make a stink over pettiness. Similarly, by Jews getting together and crying anti-semitism over pettiness and what is regarded by the average thinking American as not religiously discriminatory in the slightest, generates a public opinion that looks down upon us.

No, I am not worried that someone will get locked up for saying something against the ‘establishment’. But sometimes we do wish to have public opinion on our side, and this kind of thing, in my humble opinion, ruins our chances. And besides, when the general public sees us as petty, I think it is a big chillul Hashem.