Reply To: Chicken Bottom Ideas

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The Best Bubby

Gut Voch and Chodesh Tov to everyone!!! Me shenichnass Adar marbim B’simcha!!!

I looked through the previous page of all the recipes and noticed that SJSinNYC wrote a chicken recipe using brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts are very difficult to bodek, and they usually have small bugs in them that are difficult to take out. Better not to use them at all. When you make big cabbage, you can put in the freezer (as in Holipshkis), and then defrost, you can check each piece seperately before using. IN BRUSSEL SPROUTS YOU CAN NOT DO THIS AS THEY ARE TOO SMALL AND WOULD RUIN THE VEGETABLE. Everyone should check with their own Rav. I felt I had to mention this. Thanks for such wonderful recipes, I have used alot of them and have passed on to others to share.

Gut Voch and Gut Chodesh with an abundance of HAGEFEN for all Yidden!