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Yerushalayim: Police OK Shame Parade – one arrested

The Israeli Police gave their shameful approval yesterday to the Baalei Toeva to have their Shame Parade in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh on June 21. The exact route will not be decided until a few days prior to the event due to security concerns. The Chareidi community has repeatedly warned that they will not allow this filth to be brought through Yerushalayim, and will hold violent Hafgana’s if necessary. According to the Jerusalem Post, a 37 year-old Chareidi man was arrested earlier today for reportedly vandalizing a billboard on the Shame Center in Yerushalayim. He has no previous police record, and is expected to be released on bail later today.

30 Responses

  1. I am so shocked by this story I don’t know where to begin.

    A supposedly frum mayor of Yerushalayim yet a parade of filth is allowed to proceed.

    The continued existence of the country of Israel hangs in the balance these days, yet this toevah M’doraiso is allowed to proceed in a city where the mayor is frum.

    I hate the Neturei Karta and the moderator probably won’t publish my true feelings about these guys.

    Yet, when I read this story, I almost begin to say to myself, is this what E”Y was given back to us for , and especially now when we are about to celebrate 40 years of the Six Day war. Is this what Yerushalyim was given back to us for???

  2. Why blame the Mayor, who says he didn’t try his best? Dan Lechaf Zchus, do you really think he is in favour of it?!
    I am interested to know what the rabbonim say about the planned violent protest?

  3. I agree with the above post. What is going on here!? This is a moral outrage. I’m sorry, but the same civil liberties that apply to the U.S. and other western countries cannot and do not apply to Eretz Yisroel. I fully support any and all protests against this desecration. All frum Yidden — and yes even (L’havdil) Christians and Muslims — the world over must unite against this shameful parade.

  4. The mayor of Yerushalayim, be he frum or not, is legally powerless to stop ANY parade that is authorized by the police and courts.
    The only way to legally stop this shame parade is civil disobedience, the best way being having one million Jews flood Yerushalayim and the parade route on the day of the parade.
    Even better would be for one million frum Yidden from the USA to get on planes to EY to help the protest. And as an aside, those million frumme Yidden would help Eretz Yisroel be that much more kodesh and help influence the not-yet-frum Jews to come closer to the Torah.


  5. Road markings have been painted on Kikar Shabbos. Think this will help to find the precise center of it, to place a skip. New notice signed by rabbi Moshe sternbuch states whoever is not ‘mocher’ wil be punished.

  6. It is very tragic that our own people can’t withstand these tests Hashem sends us. Here is an opportunity to do what’s right publicly an d in this zechus,we could cause a brocho from Above to protect our people. Offensive speech is NOT freedom of speech. What’s next? Amarch honoring murder and other arayos and avoda zoro?

    T’nach and current events are so much the same.Yirmiyohu haNovi,Eliyahu,etc. Moshe Rabbeinu vs, the meraglim;nothing new.When will we ever learn?

  7. Nonkollelman said:
    A supposedly frum mayor of Yerushalayim yet a parade of filth is allowed to proceed
    It’s not so simple that the mayor is in control to stop this parade. He told R elyashiv that he will do everything in his power to halt this Toeva

  8. Dear fellow readers,

    I am trying to think what does HaShem want us to do?

    On the one hand the behaviour of these paraders is simply Hefkerus. There is no doubt that they would bring a mabul if not for the Bris.

    On the other hand there are millions of Secular Jews who are sitting at home and watching the news, and are thinking who is right. Something in our PR is terrible. We are not getting our noble message across. All we are doing is a Chilul HaShem.

    So what should we do?

  9. I am not shocked at all. I agree with the Badatz. Knowing how this community is trying to increase it’s numbers and how violent THEY can be, then therefore I would follow what the Badatz says. This is a question of Giluy Arayos and She’haraig V’al Ya’avor. I am frankly surprised by some of the posts. They are a dangerous bunch and would like to nothing more to ensnare one of our children or einiklach into their lifestyle. It is mius, prust, and totally disgusting. Just thinking about it get’s me nautious. Yuch!

  10. There should be a mass protest to cry out to H”B to ask for forgiveness, for all of Klal Yisrael BUT LET US NOT BRING 500,000 AS ONE PERSON MENTIONED LET US BRING 600,000 SO THAT WE WILL HAVE THE MINYAN REQUIRED TO BRING MOSHIACH.

  11. The best thing for Jews to show a kiddush hashem here is not to get violent, not to have physical altercations. To mob the parade route would lead to that – even if you don’t try.

    The best thing to do is to line the spectator route with so many people and signs so that the event is shadowed by the overwhelming protest. Jews and Christians alike, peacefully covering the parade from all sides (as if to lay a blanket over for tzniot purposes)

    It would show that we are not like our enemies who would kill their own and everyone else in the name of G-d (as we certainly don’t see ourselves like them or their practices anything like what we believe G-d has tasked us to do), but that we do have a belief and with it, a legitimate claim to Jerusalem as a traditional Jewish land, and that we obey laws of G-d and laws of man – and are the ones who put life and respect of life above even our most carnal desire to defend G-d’s will.

    That would be an incredible PR campaign and a incredible showing of both, public disdain, but moral full clarity.


  13. The best idea would be to have major large protests throughout Israel, so that the police will have to be all over the country and will not have enough officers in Jerusalem to stop this abomination.

  14. SYMCL – I am glad you’re not in charge.
    I would hope that not a drop of blood gets spilled, not a single sword is wielded and that Jews can do kiddush HaShem by voicing opposition loudly and peacefully.

    We’re not living in Biblical times and we’re not of the ilk of Pinchas ben Eliezer. I also believe the death sentence was for idol worship and not so much for the promiscuity or interacting with non Jews. How many others in the Torah would have been killed for that who were not?

    Let’s keep our radical elements away that day so we can shine as a light unto nations and not as a Jewish version of the Shariah law that subjugates, murders, and keeps evolution and intellectual development from rising over basic animalistic instincts.

  15. I also agree with illini07.

    It’s not a lifestyle I want, but also don’t see the people or their desire to be welcomed and respected as equals it as a recruitment campaign. Please keep the debate to something along the lines of intellectually honest and not fearful naiveté.

    In my profession I deal with a lot of people of all walks. There is no clandestine or overt effort or desire to enlist anyone, only a desire to accept those who choose it (or in some terms, who have it choose them).

    A level of maturity helps when trying to convey an important message.

  16. i tink that Kol Anoshim Ha’oiskim B’toeva should get a groiseh yashert koiach….. for showing our kinderlach how not to act. it’s poshut a miuss!
    and one more thing “Az Ponim L’geheynom”.
    Hazloocha Rabba L’oivdei Hashem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach)!

  17. illinois

    please dont be so meanspirited to someone you done even know.

    as to the “underlying issues”, perhaps your understanding (although very much in line with current political correctness) might be a slight bit crooked, possibly.
    some old fashioned Yidden still believe that what is disgusting and hated by HaKodesh Borchu (see the Tanach) must be disgusting and hated by those who love HaKodesh Borchu. that this is, indeed, demanded of us.
    perhaps they know something you dont, perhaps.

    violence has never been a prerequisite to be evil. indeed as you well know most terrifying forms of death are decreed by the Torah for what you would consider to be acts totally without violence.

  18. 1. I don’t understand what nk has to do with this. 2. Us Torah Jews believe in a concept called bechira. This means that anyone who sins did so based on his own decision. That includes these people. A sotah did not become one in a day. Hayom omer lo aseh kach…. There is a concept mentioned in Shabbos 156a that people may have more of a tendency toward some things than other people. This does not mean that they are unable to overcome it. Even someone without the extra tendency toward something can end up doing it if they are led to it. A large part of the agenda of this parade is to ingrain into people that this is an acceptable lifestyle. They seem to have started influencing even some people here to think that some people naturally end up like them and that it is not their fault. This is something that we cannot allow to happen. Every step that they take towards this goal must be countered with powerful statements of its inacceptability. We must also take every step we can to prevent them from making statements that their lifestyle can bring to pride.

  19. I’m not from neturei karta, & not a satmarer, but there is 1 thing that any body with 2 eyes & a brain can see, that there is not even one single favor that came out from the establishment of this medina for klal yisroel. not in Ruchnius & not in Gashmius.
    Gashmius was self understood untill now, that generally jews have a better living in america than in eretz yisroel. And now we can see that in ruchnius it’s not a drop better. Let hashem yisborach help us and take us out from golus.

  20. to all of you debating what would be thje right way to stop this toeva, you are all right.
    what did yakov avinu do when he had his problems, he also didn’t know what would be the right approach, so he used all his resourses, doran, teffila, and milchama!!
    we should have peacefull protests, we should try with deplomacy, we should make atzeres tefilos, and yes if nessesary we should have violent protests!!!!

  21. Yes, they are trying to recruit.
    No, they are not trying to get those that “are not” to “become”.

    They are however trying to get those that have a yetzer hara for this to give into the yetzer hara as opposed to following the Torah and fighting their yetzer hara. The purpose of the march is to show their pride and tell everyone that it is perfectly ok to act this way.

    Without a strong and vocal response (the voice is the voice of Yaakov…) a confused young frum person may give in to their weakness Chas V’Shalom. Unfortunately, The problem with most protests is that they are not properly planned and people get out of hand. The protestors have to be careful in their behavior being as the media is looking for the out-of-bounds behavior. With that being said, a strong, vocal response is needed.

    Re: Pinchus. Not so simple. Go back and learn the Gemara regarding Pinchus and zimri. zimri was not killed for what he advocated but for what he was actually doing at the time he was killed (it wasn’t idol worship). Sanhedrin – page 82 discusses this.

  22. mdlevine;

    In regard to your position as stated in “Yes, they are trying to recruit.
    No, they are not trying to get those that “are not” to “become”:

    You have clarified this well. I agree.

  23. oy lenayim shekach ro’os to be a light unto the nations by accepting a lifestyle that is antithetical to all we believe in! CHAS VSHOLOM!!!!!!!!

  24. Once again non kolel guy thinks he knows it all and jumps to conclusions!!stick to the wall street journal.

  25. I am against this march as much as everyone else. I need to know, what are the GEDOLIM saying we should do? Did the badatz come out with a psak in “written” form? did any of our gedolim in bnei Brak come out with a CLEAR plan? If not then, all this talk is moot. we need real hadracha on this issue. It must be handled 100% alpi daas torah. The ENTIRE WORLD will be watching, we must be confident that the plan of action we use is 1000% with the gedolim’s instructions and approval!!!

  26. Will someone kindly explain to me why we, the frum community, cannot put together 100,000 people on a Sunday to protest what I consider to be the biggest shame one can heap on Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. Does not anyone realize how helig Yerushalyaim is or are we so wrapped up in the gashmiyus of the upcoming Catskills. Unbelievable how so little discussion on this matter.

  27. One more point,

    I agree with those that are responding that the mayor is helpless. Perhaps this is so. If so, who is to blame? The City Council?

    Now, I am reading how Yerushalyim is predominately frum.

    If this is true ( I personally don’t know), then how can the City COuncil (or whatever it is called) have so many non-chareidi, non-torah members on it?

  28. nonkollel Are you wondering why all these events of anquish to klal yisroel (eg: Lebanon war, Gush Katif explusion, parades of illrepute) occur during the summer months?

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