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there is a pamphlet called (i think) yad eliezer by (again, i think) r’ pesach krohn about the halachos involved in being a lefty. some things are different- washing, getting dressed/ putting on shoes, tefilin, to name a few.

i think it was written because his son (for whom it is named) is a lefty, so while learning the halachos he compiled them all into one neat little place.

im not sure why so many people are getting bent out of shape- jaymatt didnt ask anything about changing his child, or mention that he views it negatively in any way.

for those of us who are left-handed, there are some things that are harder, and i think that is what jaymatt was asking about. for me, when i started driving i used to turn the car on and put it into gear with my left hand. it was uncomfortable, but after trying it with my right hand a few times i decided that doing it backwards was more comfortable. i also couldnt unlock the front door with my right hand till i was about 17 or 18.

as someone mentioned, it is considered a moom, and a kohen or levi may not serve in the bais hamikdosh. at least that is what my husband explained to me when he saw me washing my oldest son left hand first- not because i wanted him to be a lefty, but because that was more comfortable to me. now i am so used to doing it right handed for my kids that i often do it backwards for myself 🙂