Reply To: House Keepers

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I realize that Memo’s question was an innocent one, however I must say that I hear where BP Totty is coming from. The younger generation of today have set very high standards for themselves and then when the expenses of real life kick in (once the expected parental support has stopped)the “luxury” has now become a necessity. Whether you can afford it or not, the peer pressure alone makes everyone need to be like everyone else.

“Who doesn’t have a cleaning lady @least 3 times a week?”

“Who does their own laundry anymore?”

“Who drives a late model car anymore? “Everyone leases a new one every 3 years”.

“Who doesn’t go to Miami @least once a year?”

“Most people now hire someone to learn with their sons every night instead of doing it themselves”

Need I go on?

In the old days, there were the few rich families and there were the rest of us. We as kids pitched in to clean the house, we had older cars, didn’t always get to go on vacation, etc, etc…

and no one was embarrassed about it either. Now if you don’t have all these things which are supposedly the norm, you have to feel like your second class.