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I hear many singles especially girls ending what seem to be a good run (or so they say) for the most ridiculous reasons.

Of course total lies or deception is a serious problem, however, I hear from friends such foolishness when it comes to excuses for ending it. Even the smallest details.

Back when I was dating if I had a nickle for everytime it said

on a resume “slim” when she wasn’t, “5’4” when it was more like “4’5”, “talkative” where I was pulling more teeth than a

free dental clinic in Africa, I would be safetly retired from dental work.

This happens especially with older singles. It seems like they are afraid of commitment and grasp for straws to find a way out especially if they feel there is real chance.

Older singles if you wish to explain or refute please do,

this is what i hear from my older single friends.