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Stamford Hill Shomrim & Police Forge Closer Links

The growing importance of the Stamford Hill Shomrim was recognized this week at a groundbreaking meeting with local police. Dayan Dovid Grynhaus of the Rabbinate, the President of the U.O.H.C Rabbi Dovid Frand and Chairman of the Community & Police liaison committee Joe Lobenstein were among those attending Tuesday’s deliberations at Stoke Newington Police Station.

Two senior coordinators of Shomrim, Nuchem Perlberger and his colleague Chayim Hochauser represented the dedicated team of volunteers who selflessly patrol and attend scenes of criminal activity within the borough 24/7. Also present were a host of leading community activists, Rabbonim and delegates representing all the major Jewish institutions in the kehilla. The meeting was chaired by the Borough Commander Chief Superintendent  Steve Bending who stressed that Shomrim members are not above the law and must always act with professionalism and within the strict codes of conduct of the organisation.

The conference, which was the climax of protracted negotiations between the Borough Commander, saw the appointment of Shomrim Liaison officers Rev Shulem Ber (Kurt) Stern a veteran liaison activist and Mr Yitzchok (Isaac) Kornbluh a former regional security officer, to form a closer working relationship with the police. This is designed to make the Borough a safer place by utilising the services of Shomrim. An agreement is due to be ratified shortly creating a formal relationship with Hackney police which will include expectations and conditions from a police perspective and a training module presented by the police on awareness in tackling crime. 

A vote of thanks on behalf of the community was given by Councillor Michael Levy and Rabbi Boruch Leib Rabinowitch who is the acting Rov of Shomrim. Together they stressed that the community supports the commander’s commitment to providing the needs of the community in the context of crime and safety issues.

At a recent meeting with crime reporters, Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson warned that we should not become what he termed a “walk-on-by-society”.

“We should encourage civic minded people, those have-a-go heroes,” he said. “We know there are risks but we should celebrate it. People have to make judgements and people will feel more confident about doing it if cops are passionate about patrolling the streets.” Stamford Hill Shomrim exemplifies Sir Paul’s prescription. In recent days Shomrim units have assisted the police in several cases, culminating in the arrest of 10 suspects relating to separate incidents. This they achieve by being the eyes and ears of the Police and the community. In recent months, Shomrim have achieved a number of successful operations. This has helped to build greater cooperation with the with the police. It is no secret that the rapid response factor has effectively assisted the police in a greater percentage clear up rate for successful convictions. This is because Shomrim units provide police with a combination of typical support and assistance such as visual contact, CCTV surveillance and witness statements.

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(Eliezer Lipman – Jewish Tribune, London)

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