Reply To: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv Reply To: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv


Of Course:

I’d like to think that NASI has spent alot of time, and energy, and has been very effective to date. I assume by “little action” you meant aside from that wonderfull (very NON PROFIT) operation.

GAW: Billion Dollar Business????

Please explain where that comment comes form. Reasonbable relatively small compensation for achievable resutls is NOT expensive and it is very effective.

But Of Course is 100% correct! If it would take a billion dolaar operation then we must do it.

Thankfully it won’t. As OC well understands.. close the age gap and we won’t have these girls becomine less frum which is a true tragedy of the situation…..