Reply To: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA

Home Forums Politics Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA Reply To: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA


So now that we have proven that Ronald Reagan must have been a Communist, I will now ask which of the points the alleged anti-Communists here oppose:

Do you support bank bailouts?

Do you think America’s infrastructure is not in need of substantial improvments?

Do you think that millions of Americans should be denied health insurance because of pre-existing conditions?

Do you think that employees’ rights to form unions should be eliminated?

Do you think that America’s educational system does not need improvement?

Do you think that Americans’ Social Security money should be invested in the casino known as Wall Street?

Do you think that the US government should not enforce laws against racial and religious discrimination?

Do you think that the government should ban all abortions, including those that are halachically mandated?

Do you think that the government should sit by and let people be denied their right to vote, as is happening to Jews in some upstate communities?

Do you think that the concentration of mass media ownership in a few hands is a good thing?

Do you think we should continue the war in Iraq indefinitely?

Do you really think climate change requires no action at all?

Do you disagree with Ronald Reagan regarding nuclear proliferation?