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“Someone said it to me point blank, So and So will get married before her 2 sisters because she is a much better girl. I know for a fact middos wise she is NOT better than her older sisters, she is NOT smarter than her older sisters. All 3 went to the same HS and Seminary in E”Y, there is not much that sets her apart. BESIDES the fact that she is prettier… so apparently THAT makes her a “better” girl.”

That someone is a tipish. They are playing G-d and they have no clue what they are talking about. They know who will get married first?! There are plenty unattractive married girls that went before their sisters and I know of a # of very attractive girls who are still single. There are so many reasons why someone can be single. Lets not forget that Hashem runs the world…

There are people who have the mazel to find their Bashert on their first date and others who have to wait longer.

What I found true regarding myself is that the reason why I had to wait longer is because Hashem wanted me to work on a # of things in my personality and observance and had I gotten married a few years back Im pretty sure it would not have been nearly as great as it could be now.

Hashem loves us and does everything with Chessed. Even when it looks like Midas Hadin its Chessed.