Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim

Home Forums Controversial Topics Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim


rabbi v,

I looked at you case video and its quite interesting. Nevertheless, you lucked out with an opponent that acted like the biggest imbecile, literally begging her to let you win.

In this case of the shaitel there are so many loose ends the judge didn’t cover. She may be even worse than Judge Linda Reade who railroaded Shalom Rubashkin. We now even have the store confirming it was their wig. What more proof do we need the judge railroaded the frum couple for a couple of extra rating points? That’s what its all about. It was a good show, but bad justice. I’m sure Hollywood liked it. But not Lady Justice.

I won’t go so far as to say Milian is a raging anti-semite. (But I wouldn’t rule it out either.) Nevertheless, her pursuit of theater in a mock courtroom is no substitute for true justice.