Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim

Home Forums Controversial Topics Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim Reply To: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim

rabbi v

I was myself as a plaintiff in this court

and i can tell you it is a serious court, no games, and they have a strict drisa we gakira.

I believe the judge is lismoh

now i hapened to know the couple in question they did not tell me either yeah or neih if it was a fraud (their case ) however i am sorry to say having seen it togehter with my parents in europe (who dont know the couple ) we all have a problem being don adam be kaf zechus in this case.

but most important this show is not fake, and neither are the litigans