Reply To: Automatic Lights and Videos on Shabbos

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Y.W. Editor

shlomozalman “1. The video is definitely not a problem as mentioned above.”

There are poskim who hold it’s chillul shabbos to walk in front of a CCTV camera on shabbos.

For example, the Posek Hador, Rav Elyashiv Shlita, holds that you are not allowed to walk through the old city of Yerushalayim on Shabbos due to the security cameras.

He very well may be a daas yochid on this, but don’t write “definitely” not a problem.

I believe that the Debertziner Rav has a Teshuva on this. I could be wrong.

Most yeshivos now have security cameras, so it would lead one to assume that a shaila was asked, although this might be only because yeshivas are a terror target. Again….I don’t know for sure.

In any event, ask a posek.