Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


I’m sorry to those who will apose but I feel that it is important for girls to learn tanach. maybe they shoulnt memorise it, but when a girl sits and spends the time studying tanach it becomes engraved into her and it creates yiras shamayim. so you’ll ask how is that? well since tanach is our history there is so much mussur and halacha that can be learned from there and there are many teachers who know how to tie it together so well, and when you see it inside it leaves a much greater impact.

when someone points out a halachah to me i always ask them to show it to me inside.

anyway I dont see whats wrong with teaching girls tanach, they are just as jewish as the boys and so yes they should know theyre history and were they stand. I would feel very sad for a girl who doesnt know anything about david hamelech or shlomo or even the bais hamikdash, yes they should know all the details why should they have to feel lost when the topic comes up or when moshiach comes they wont know anything abt. everything.