Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


To all those who never spent life in a Bais Yaakov education:

I am b”h very greatful to have gone threw 12 years if not more in a b.y. education, and have tremendous hakaras hatov for my principles and teachers, for the beautiful lessons they have given me.

however, the amount of mefarshim we learn is not normal. We can learn on one posuk in chumash over 7 mefarshim. we have in one day chumash, halacha, navi, mishlei, and tehillim. in high school we have around 9 hebrew lessons if not more. Again it is beautiful we learn all this but its really hard to keep all these lessons in our memory when there is so much to place in our brain.

a few chasidish schools dont focus on sefarim rather they focus on the home, including baking, cooking, mending…. When we get married we all the sudden are suppose to know everything, however we were never taught what to do.

so no, schools shouldnt stop with the learning, rather maybe bring more home economics into the curriculam.

(a friend of mine got married and didnt even know how to sew a button, her husband told her its very nice you know all these Rambans however i need my button sewed on!)