Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


Chanoch l’naar(a) al pe darcko(a?).

The problem is not teaching Nach, for those who wish to learn it, but not teaching Home Ec and Halchos Habayis at all. It is not REQUIRED for them to know “countless meforshim” (though there is always a “long term benefit” from Hashem’s Torah!), but it should be offered if they want to learn it. Forcing girls to memorize Nach who have no interest will only push them away. For those who want to learn, Kol Hakavod!

Cantoresq said:

The idea was never to turn Jewish girls into docile haus-frauen, but rather to instill within them pride in Judaism born of knowledge of it.

100% true! But we should not force heavy anti-enlightenment learning on those who wish to be housewives, or who just want to learn how to be a good jewish wife!