Reply To: Solid Frum Working guys

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Everyone is so busy with the poor abused Kollel wife whose wicked husband refuses to acknowledge his chiyuv to support her. Let me pose the following question;

Here is the scenario;

Guy and girl are dating. Guy says to girl – you know, my dream in life is to learn for at least 5 years after we are married – how do you feel about that? Girl says – there is nothing I would like better, I’ll work, I’ll live simply, I’ll eat bread and water, I’ll never buy new clothing, It would be my greatest zechus to support your Torah. So they get married. And he learns for a year. And suddenly girl finds out that she does not like working, she would rather stay home with her baby. And she does not like being poor. And bread and water don’t taste good. And she really would like a new sheitel. So she asks her husband to go out to work. And maybe he does and maybe he doesn’t. But my question here is – WHO IS THE VICTIM?

Now I know this is way off the point of this thread so if anyone feels like moving it to it’s own thread feel free.