Reply To: Molesters: Why Do Some In Our Community Cover For Them?

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Shavua Tov from Israel.B”H we had much need rain today………

Molesters are monsters [they may have been molested themselves, but that is not an excuse] and are a danger to society. I loose all respect for any religious leader [rabbaim]that cover for these monsters and make excuses for their behavior. This makes them just as guilty.

When your son comes home from chedar or yeshiva and says that the bus driver or his rebbe touched him where he shouldn’t have CALL THE POLICE. Same goes for the mikvah. How many more little and not so little boys have to be molested in the mikvah, before our leaders stand up and say enough!

The same goes for our daughters. Many years ago my daughter came home from school and said that the bus driver pinched her bottom. I called the school and reported it…..seems like many other parents did the same. We were informed a day later that the driver was fired and the police had been informed.

Molester MUST be taken off our streets, and sent to prison for a very long time. No more excuses from anyone…