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US ‘Disappointed’ With Israel

The United States said on Monday it was disappointed by Israel’s decision to allow its partial moratorium on construction West Bank settlements to expire.

US State Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters US Middle East envoy former US Senator George Mitchell was in touch with Israeli and Palestinian officials and a lower-level US team would visit the region this week for follow-up talks.

“We recognize that given the decision yesterday we’ve still got a dilemma that we have to resolve and there are no direct negotiations scheduled at this point but we will be in touch with the parties to see how we move ahead,” Crowley said.

“We will have further conversations with key countries in the coming days and we hope that the Arab League meeting will continue to affirm its support for the process,” he said.

Later, British Foreign Minister William Hague said he was “very disappointed” with the end of the freeze. He added that he was worried that Israel’s decision may undermine the current round of peace talks, urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “show leadership” and resolve the issue.

Meanwhile, a US official said envoy Mitchell will return to the region this week to continue urgent efforts to break the deadlock in negotiations over Israeli settlements.

(Source: Ynet)

14 Responses

  1. If the Arabs want the moratorium so badly, let them offer something of substance. It’s about time we told them you get nothing for nothing. No more freebees like Lebanon and Gaza, and for that matter, the Sinai as well. Israel has given up much and received nothing but threats, rockets, and bombs in return. Enough is enough. If they really want peace, let them prove it by conducting themselves in a way that shows it. Perhaps disarming Hamas and Hizbullah and destroying all the tunnels would be a good start. And the always Anti-Semitic State Department can be damned.

  2. Why is the US disappointed in Jews building housing for normal growth when the PA official policy has been strengthened that any Arab selling land to a Jew is punished by the death penalty? Why is the US not “disappointed” with the PA death penalty?

  3. Disappointed in Israel. I am still waiting for the US to say they are disappointed in the arabs. The never said this and never will since the arabs will walk. It just wants an excuse

  4. becouse the obama us likes arabs better with this gut occupiing the white house is lokking how much can he destory our jewsih country

  5. #2:
    First of all, Sinai was anything but a freebie. For that we got peace with Eygpt, which is still functioning today.

    “And the always Anti-Semitic State Department can be damned.”

    1) I never thought I’d see that particular turn of phrase on Yeshiva World News, and I am highly disappointed that I just did. Isn’t this site supposed to moderated?

    2) What makes you think the State Department is anti-Semitic?

  6. I don’t know why the US Govt. is not upset with Mahmoud Abbas & his followers (and certainly with Hamas) for clearly stating that they do not recognize the right for the State of Israel to exist. Their “one state solution” is their own Palestinian one which excludes Israel from the world map.
    Just kidding, I really do know why the US govt. doesn’t care.
    What strikes me absurd is the Israeli Govt. who fools themselves into believing there exists a peace partner.

  7. # 7
    Thank you for your response. Apparently, you agree with my main points, that’s good enough for me. As far as peace with Egypt, did we have “peace” with the USSR during the “Cold War?” And the State Department, that is a matter of historical fact, they have always bent over backwards for the Arab oil.

  8. mw13, the State Department has always been anti-semitic. It goes back to WWII and I have the proof in writing.

    Second of all, about Egypt, that peace is at most a false veneer. they are extremely anti-semitic with the Jew bashing that is constantly done in their press.

  9. #10:
    “the State Department has always been anti-semitic. It goes back to WWII and I have the proof in writing.”

    Care to share it with us?

    Yes, Israel and Eypgt are not quite the best of friends. However, before we gave back the Sinai, we fought three wars with Egypt; since then we’ve fought none. I would call that peace, wouldn’t you?

    “for everything that gos bad for this obama just blame the jew, like in germany in the 20’s & 30’s blame jews.”

    Yes, that’s why we got blamed for the recession, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and even for Obama’s difficulty in passing the healthcare bill. Oh wait… no we didn’t…

    In all seriousness, it bothers me when people throw around comparisons between anybody they don’t like and the Nazis. The Nazis were monsters, and using the term as anything less cheapens it.

  10. What a pathetic excuse for a government we have. How deluded can obama be! Tell him where to go. He says he doesn’t interfere with sovereign gov’ts, except Israel. The “Manchurian President” is an appropriate term.

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